For Christmas Eve and celebration #TWO!, we drive from Malmö to their mother's mother's house- a bit more old-fashioned but very fun with Jonny there. We arrive at 4pm and start with some glögg (pronounced glug) with almonds and raisins. Their grandparents, Karin and Gunnar, don't speak a word of English, but hardly ask me anything anyway. Jonny is super nice and cool- he's 38 with 2 young boys but he's the "cool" uncle. Anci, their mother is in a chipper mood tonight, which is good to get her out of her depression. We start the meal with another smörgåsbord of meats, sausages, fish, eel and gratins. Food is not as good as yesterday...But dinner is fun, I just love Malin and Louise- they're so giggly and lovable and snuggly; Malin is such a sweetheart and Louise is such a snuggly-bunny! Jonny looks and talks a bit like a vampire - his canine teeth is so pointy! And his accent is a bit Italian. For dessert, more rice pudding, and better than yesterday! After dessert, we play the "gift game" where you roll the dice for a 1 or a 6 and have 10 min to steal someone's present- oh, we had a laugh. Jonny and I got so competitive for this little box, which turns out to be clay! Haha- after we open all the gifts, we play again to steal each other's presents, but I wind up with my candles
Merry Christmas! I sleep until the glorious hour of 1pm- ahhh. I told this week is good for my health! The twins and I hardly move from the kitchen table, we just sit around all afternoon and talk and talk and talk- mostly about the future. I'm seriously considering taking a year off, maybe with Malin. Louise wants to go to New Zealand to work- but she still has a lot of growing up to od. I want to work abroad, maybe Japan or Thailand. We get ready to go to Nils in the late afternoon; coffee and cookies, and old pictures of M&L as babies! so cute! I play a bit on the piano, which makes Nils sooo so happy, even though I sound like a broken record. And my fav
1 9 6 2 of Nils' and Arvid's first trip to the States. I see old clips of Dad running around as a 5 yr old- he is SO adorable, such a munchkin. Nearly brought me to tears, I feel so privileged to see the movies of Grandma back in the day when he was still a stud- so much more than a picture. And Grandpa! I got to see Grandpa! Edmands! Live! He is so so handsome and has such a kind, gentle face and deep, deep dimples. Dad reminds me so much of him. And Jeffrey! He is so adorable and such a little mischief maker- he has the same sparkling, crinkly eyes, even at age 5 :) In the movie, he does that that hand wiggly thing where he puts his hands on his head like a moose and sticks his tongue out! Christie has a deep side part, and Laurie is trying to be a girly girl but you can see her just doing everything Jeff does. It's funny to see her in the little pink dress. And GRANDMA! She is stunning. And radiant! She is straight out of Vogue or something-magnificient; even with 4 kids in tow, she maintains her elegance with a flashy, white smile and high heels. There's all this footage of Grandpa riding around on the old red tractor with the 4 kids climbing alllll over his lap- everybody is happy, carefree; Dad is the little runt in back, falling behind trying to keep up, then op! Falls down! What a cutie...
Next we watch videos from M&L's visit to the States back in 2003, footage that I never ever want to see of myself ever again. Oh god, horrified. Do teenages GET any more obnoxious than me? I kind of had an identity crisis afterwards, not understanding how I used to be that person, and so incredibly rude/loud/obnoxious/....a teenager. Thank god that phase of my life is OVER. Can we move on now ? Sorry Mom and Dad for my behavior in the past-- and for putting up with it. Saints? I think so.
It takes up about 15 min to get out the door with all the hugs and kisses from Nils and Greta. I really tried to pay attention to Nils, even though he sounds like a broken record! M&L have changed SO much since their last visit! And Nils has gotten so much older...
Malin and Louise teach me cute phrases of Swedish translated directly into English; for example, she asked me if this phrase made any sense: "How plenty is the bell?" (meaning "What time is it")or "What are you for one? I don't feel again you!" meaning "I don't think we've met before." Haha! Had no idea what they were talking about at first..
We eat a quick
1 comment:
I LOVE THE TURNING TORSO BUILDING!! and aren't M&L the sweetessssssst people ever??? Omg I'm obsessed with them...and Christian too:)
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