COPENHAGEN today!!! In Swedish, it's called Köpenhamn (Shippin-hamm) Louise and I take the bus early to get some shopping done, and we all converge at Christian's place to drop off our stuff- then to the train station for a quick train ride across to water to Denmark. The train ride is really fun once the tension disappears btw Malin and Louise. But soon Malin is telling us funny stories from her first few months living in Florence and the rough start she had...First, by paying way too much in Emilia's house and what happened when she simply stole an apple! Then when she tells me the story of working at "Griglia #1" at McDonald's for 2 months (frying), and then the first day she moves up to chicken nuggets at "Grillia #2"- she gets caught on her first day stealing a chicken nugget and it's back to Grill #1!! We laugh about her "shaking lip" and her trying not to cry when her boss was yelling at her. Sad then, hilarious now. Ohmigod I was howling with laughter, so I arrive out of the subway in Copenhagen laughing my ass off.
There's a building like Harrod's there and an ice skating rink right in the center, and trees all covered in lights. Beautiful. We walk around the New Harbor and explore all the little streets- much more quaint than Malmö but expensive! Fresh baked muffins in the window mmmmm. For dinner, we pop into the Cafe Bellagio for some really good chicken club sandwiches and a Leffe brune beer. Skål! (Cheers in Swedish) I tell them about Les Frères Berthom in Grenoble, my favorite pub for my favorite beer...France feels so far away now! Christian and I talk about California, San Diego and I tell them about my trip to Mexico. He Just got back from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana in September for 10 days- WOW! On safari and everything how coool. After dinner, we run right into the L.A. Bar for Coronas and Irish coffees- oh, we had fun. We talk about their friend Andreas in London and how badly he's doing there- drugs, alcohol, overboard, a bit strange and out of control. Malin, such a good friend and such a good heart, wants to go over to his parents' house and tell them what he's doing- so they can save him. She feels it's her duty of someone who used to be here friend- I admire her loyalty and her intentions. Then, once Christian tells us about his adventures camping outside in South Africa, we all get really really excited about traveling, maybe to South America all together or to Thailand. We name every place we want to go and conclude that the world is just too big to conquer. Maybe next year.
But Malin and I possibly want to go to Australia next year together and work/live together. I would love to, I really enjoy her company and trust her. We do a pinkie promise swear for the future, that we'll take next year off- LOTS of energy for being young, adventurous and FREE!
Back home to Malmö to pack and do pictures- M&L drive me to the train this morning and give me the CUTEST goodbye I think I've ever gotten: their little guinea pig dance where they are so synchronized and pretend to lick their paws- adorable!

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